Source Code Tools
Showing programs 101 to 120 of 375, sorted by:
VBA Line Numbers with CodeLiner
Free to try
Adds and removes line numbers in your Excel, Access or Word macros.
Updated: February 11th 2022
501 total downloads 4 last week |
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The Lucent Hex-Calc 64
A Windows 64-Bit-HEX-DEC-BIN-Converter, inclusive logical bit-operations.
Updated: January 10th 2008
3,388 total downloads 2 last week |
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574 total downloads 4 last week |
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454 total downloads 4 last week |
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736 total downloads 4 last week |
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779 total downloads 4 last week |
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521 total downloads 4 last week |
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AidAim Single File System
Free to try
Stores files/folders in one OS file. Flexible compression. Strong encryption.
Updated: April 4th 2006
1,195 total downloads 4 last week |
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631 total downloads 4 last week |
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Free to try
The most extensive professional source code manager for software developers.
Updated: August 24th 2011
925 total downloads 5 last week |
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AthTek Code to FlowChart
Free to try
Automatically generate elegant flowchart or NS chart, to let code visual.
Updated: May 17th 2013
2,825 total downloads 4 last week |
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713 total downloads 4 last week |
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dotNetTools Win32
DotNet Tools is a Suite including a dumper and a deobfuscator
Updated: September 7th 2011
667 total downloads 4 last week |
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731 total downloads 4 last week |
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2,569 total downloads 0 last week |
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371 total downloads 4 last week |
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Free to try
HippoEDIT is a powerful, fast and easy to use text editor for Windows
Updated: August 12th 2009
1,122 total downloads 4 last week |
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774 total downloads 4 last week |
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514 total downloads 3 last week |
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Hex Editor Neo
Free to try
Binary Data and File Data Editing Software Utility. Hex Editor Download
Updated: August 22nd 2013
5,317 total downloads 3 last week |
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