Windows Mobile
Showing programs 2381 to 2400 of 5153, sorted by:
161 total downloads 0 last week |
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187 total downloads 0 last week |
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209 total downloads 0 last week |
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328 total downloads 0 last week |
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404 total downloads 0 last week |
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422 total downloads 0 last week |
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360 total downloads 0 last week |
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Idea Value Calculator (Pocket PC OS)
Free to try
The idea value calculator (IVC) allows the value of an idea to be estimated.
Updated: July 11th 2005
783 total downloads 0 last week |
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284 total downloads 0 last week |
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580 total downloads 0 last week |
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370 total downloads 0 last week |
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228 total downloads 0 last week |
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144 total downloads 0 last week |
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278 total downloads 0 last week |
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222 total downloads 0 last week |
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216 total downloads 0 last week |
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Safe and secure place to store your private information.
Updated: February 10th 2011
508 total downloads 0 last week |
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259 total downloads 0 last week |
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311 total downloads 0 last week |
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297 total downloads 0 last week |
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